SEOkicks Backlink Checker

SEOkicks Backlink Checker finally in English

In Germany, the SEOkicks Backlink Checker has been one of the most frequently used backlink databases for some time now. In the meantime, however, the number of users from other countries has also risen constantly. Until now, users outside Germany have had to suffice with the German website, which has not always been so easy unfortunately, particularly in the account booking section. We are therefore very pleased that we can now offer an English-language version of the SEOkicks website starting immediately.

The SEOkicks backlink database currently comprises over 100 billion link datasets that are entirely collected using our own web crawlers. The avarage crawling bandwidth currently totals 2,600 Mbit/s and is being continuously expanded so that we can constantly provide ever greater volumes of increasingly fresh data.

As link unbuilding now forms just as much a part of the day-to-day work of an SEO as link building, links that no longer exist are automatically deleted from the SEOkicks database as soon as the removal of a link is detected. In direct comparison with databases that do not delete old links promptly, this may lead in our case to somewhat low domain or link-pop values here and there, yet the perceived quality of the data is considerably higher.

In addition to accessing backlink data through the website, it can also be retrieved via backlink API and imported to your own tools, for example. Both an XML and a JSON API are available for this. To use the API, an account is required, which can be set up starting at the sensational price of € 9.90/month (net). Even the lowest rate plan already contains 30,000 API credits, with which you can retrieve the domain and link-pop values of 30,000 URLs per month, for example. An additional 0.1 credit per dataset is required for retrieving individual links (including anchor text and follow/no-follow status). You can find detailed information about this in the API documentation.

We hope to make work somewhat easier for our users outside of Germany. Should you have any questions about SEOkicks, please send us an e-mail. We are happy to assist you! We are also always happy to receive feature requests and any other feedback.

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